- 雷霆传奇H5-合区教程-合区方法-合区代码
信息编号:T-2159 时间:10-21 21:39:37 有效期:748天有效 浏览量:15人次 -
如果1区合进2区 就反着来
- #从actor_plat_slave导入角色二进制数据
insert into actorbinarydata (select * from actor_plat_slave.actorbinarydata);
insert into actors (select * from actor_plat_slave.actors where serverindex=index_slave);
insert into items (select * from actor_plat_slave.items);
insert into actorvariable (select * from actor_plat_slave.actorvariable);
insert into mails (select * from actor_plat_slave.mails);
insert into roles (select * from actor_plat_slave.roles);
insert into actoroldname (select * from actor_plat_slave.actoroldname where serverindex=index_slave);
insert into guildlist (select * from actor_plat_slave.guildlist where serverindex=index_slave);
insert into actorguild (select * from actor_plat_slave.actorguild);
insert into guildlog (select * from actor_plat_slave.guildlog);
insert into guildchat (select * from actor_plat_slave.guildchat);
insert into guildstorelog (select * from actor_plat_slave.guildstorelog);
insert into friends (select * from actor_plat_slave.friends);
insert into auction (select * from actor_plat_slave.auction where serverid=index_slave);
#更新主服actor_plat_master全服邮件ID为0, 清除主服actor_plat_master的全服邮件
TRUNCATE globalmails;
#TRUNCATE actorservermail;
create temporary table tmp_charname SELECT actorname,actorid FROM actors;
alter table tmp_charname add index tmp_charname(actorname);
ALTER TABLE actors add column tmpmailfile int default 0;
UPDATE actors SET actorname=CONCAT(actorname,'[sindex_slave]'), tmpmailfile=1 WHERE
(actorname in (SELECT actorname FROM tmp_charname where actors.actorid <> tmp_charname.actorid)) AND (serverindex=index_slave);
insert into offlinemails (`actorid`, `head`, `context`, `file0_type`, `file0_id`, `file0_num`) (select actorid,"合服改名卡补发","尊敬的勇士,由于你的名称和其他勇士重复,特补发改名卡一张,请在附件中领取。",1,450001,1 from actors where actors.tmpmailfile = 1);
alter table actors drop column tmpmailfile;
drop table tmp_charname;
create temporary table tmp_guildname SELECT guildname,guildid FROM guildlist;
alter table tmp_guildname add index tmp_guildname(guildname);
ALTER TABLE guildlist add column tmpmailfile int default 0;
UPDATE guildlist SET guildname=CONCAT(guildname,'[sindex_slave]'), tmpmailfile=1 WHERE
(guildname in (SELECT guildname FROM tmp_guildname where guildlist.guildid <> tmp_guildname.guildid)) AND (serverindex=index_slave);
UPDATE guildlist SET changenamenum=1 WHERE tmpmailfile=1 AND changenamenum <= 1;
alter table guildlist drop column tmpmailfile;
drop table tmp_guildname;
create temporary table tmp_charoldname SELECT oldname,actorid FROM actoroldname;
alter table tmp_charoldname add index tmp_actoroldname(oldname);
UPDATE actoroldname SET oldname=CONCAT(oldname,'[sindex_slave]') WHERE
(oldname in (SELECT oldname FROM tmp_charoldname where actoroldname.actorid <> tmp_charoldname.actorid)) AND (serverindex=index_slave);
drop table tmp_charoldname;
ALTER TABLE actors add column tmpmailfile int default 0;
UPDATE actors SET actorname=CONCAT(actorname,'[sindex_slave]'), tmpmailfile=1 WHERE
(actorname in (SELECT oldname FROM actoroldname where actoroldname.actorid <> actors.actorid)) AND (serverindex=index_slave);
insert into offlinemails (`actorid`, `head`, `context`, `file0_type`, `file0_id`, `file0_num`) (select actorid,"合服改名卡补发","尊敬的勇士,由于你的名称和其他勇士重复,特补发改名卡一张,请在附件中领取。",1,450001,1 from actors where actors.tmpmailfile = 1);
alter table actors drop column tmpmailfile;
UPDATE actoroldname SET oldname=CONCAT(oldname,'[sindex_slave]') WHERE
(oldname in (SELECT actorname FROM actors where actors.actorid <> actoroldname.actorid)) AND (serverindex=index_slave);
update actors set serverindex = index_master where serverindex=index_slave;
update guildlist set serverindex = index_master where serverindex=index_slave;
update auction set serverid = index_master where serverid=index_slave;
drop table if exists cidx;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE cidx(`actorid` int not null primary key);
insert into cidx (select actorid from actor_plat_slave.actors where recharge=0 and level<=35 and updatetime<=subdate(now(),interval 30 day));
update actoroldname set serverindex = index_master where serverindex=index_slave;
delete from actorbinarydata where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
delete from actorguild where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
delete from mails where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
delete from actors where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
delete from actorvariable where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
delete from roles where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
delete from items where actorid in (select actorid from cidx);
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业务电话:131-131-131-13 工作时间:周一至周五早8:00~晚5:00 业务微信: 违法和不良信息举报电话:131-131-131-13
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